
Society 6 Shop

Society 6 Shop

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Sushi #3 - Selling of the Art & Crafts

This weekend I took my Arts & Craft to a local Yard Sale to see how we would do.  

We made our money back but for how much we spent on food because we didn't pack anything was quite a bit...something to think about next time.

I counted the small boxes and I have over 45 of them at the start of the day.  Yes there are actually 45 + boxes on that table.  I sold 7 boxes and three books which we had at the sides of the table.
The Cheshire Cat Box is gone, along with Sailboat, Phillies, Halloween  and two other boxes I can't remember.
I was actually asked if I had anything with Snow White and I am going to paint and idea I have of one up...hopefully.

This past week I showed you :

A Painting called Lamb's Lullaby
And some of the boxes I was to sell at the yard sale.

Week Ahead

What I hope to be working on:
Birthday Invite
Heart Box
Writing Confuzzled Stories and Query Letters for series I wrote to publishers. 
A Painting
Frame with Baby Dragon
Confuzzled Clay Sculptures (still working on)
Book Illustrator Interview or Spotlight.

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